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rPet – the superhero with the green symbol on his cape

by: Kirsty Kaspers  |  02.12.21 15:30

We now see it almost everywhere: the green rPet sticker. Some people take great care to recycle plastic, others just find it annoying. But the fact is: it is important that we recycle plastic. The current climate protection discussions in particular make it clear that there is no way around sustainability. But what exactly is sustainable about rPet? We get to the bottom of this question in this blog article.

PET – the number 3 climate polluter

Alongside cars and lifestyle, our consumption is the number 3 climate killer in Germany every year. Think about where you find plastic everywhere. Go through your shopping bag from the supermarket or your last shopping trip in the city. Plastic is around, on or in almost everything. No wonder we often don't know what to do with all the plastic waste. Sure, PET is a really cool material with incredibly practical properties. But if we continue to budget the way we do at the moment, in the near future we will be faced with a huge mountain of plastic bags, drinks bottles and other packaging that will laugh at us.

Let's take a green step into the future together

We at Eco Inner Living are committed to the green button. PET is a really great product that can also be recycled. It is then no longer called PET but rPET. The "r" stands for recycled. And the great thing is that it's not just us who are committed to the environment, but also many large companies around the world.

So let's take a big step into the green future together and help the superhero with the green cape to save the world from the plastic mountain.

Plastic remains plastic - why is rPET sustainable?

Of course, plastic remains plastic and therefore a climate polluter. We could just as easily say: what's done is done. But nevertheless, we must not close our eyes to the truth. Contrary to what many might think, plastic that has already been produced is not broken or unusable after a single use. For example, new bottles can be made from used beverage bottles. Recycled PET bottles can be used to make handbags, or shoes, or clothes, or bed linen, or, or, or.

The bottle that has already been produced is therefore recycled and reused, making it virtually sustainable. It is therefore particularly important that we dispose of PET products properly. Each city has its own system for this. You can find all the important information about this at your city's waste disposal centre.

rPET can now be found almost everywhere

Yes, that's right, the superhero in the green cape has found his way into the shops. But it's not just in supermarkets that you'll find him on almost every shelf. He is also well represented in our online shop. All our products are made exclusively from recycled PET and are therefore sustainable and environmentally friendly. Much fewer resources are needed to process PET than to produce new PET. Waste products such as CO2 are also significantly lower than with new production. Have we got you on our side? Great, then let's declare war on the plastic mountain together.

You only recognise the superhero at second glance

Products made from recycled PET look like all the others, but have one crucial difference. The green dot. Take a look in the supermarket and see if you can tell the difference. We don't.

Only at second glance does the superhero in the green cape reveal himself through his recycled stamp.

Sometimes the superhero is also travelling undercover

Have a look at our shop. Would you know that all our products are made from 100 per cent recycled material if you didn't know?

Rugs, poufs, cushions, blankets, bags and everything else - all products are 100 per cent rPet. Only the small label tells you that the green superhero is inside. You would have guessed it from the care instructions for our products at the latest. No cushion is actually that easy to care for...

What exactly is sustainable about rPet?

Sure, plastic is still plastic. But it makes a big difference whether we have new plastic produced and use it, or whether we recycle PET and make it reusable. The advantages of rPET are obvious:

  • Environmentally friendly, as production uses fewer raw materials
  • No new plastic needs to be produced
  • The properties are retained
  • It is hygienic
  • It is also 100% recyclable

How does the recycling of plastic actually work?

The process is actually quite simple:

  1. Plastic bottles and other plastic materials are collected and pressed into bales
  2. At the recycling company, all materials that are not plastic are sorted out
  3. The PET is then washed in hot water
  4. A final sifting step to manually sort out everything that is not plastic
  5. The plastic bottles and packaging are shredded into PET flakes
  6. The recyclate is scanned again and the smallest components that do not belong in the mass are removed
  7. The recyclate is then heated and melted
  8. Long strands are drawn from the liquid material, which can be further processed
  9. These are washed and now meet the standards of newly produced PET

Werde ein Teil des grünen Kreislauf und hilf dem grünen Superhelden die Welt zu retten

If everyone in the world recycled their PET, we would quickly reach our goal. However, as this is a really difficult task, we are starting small. With our products, you can lovingly and sustainably beautify your interior and do something good for the environment. Create a cosy ambience with cushions and a pleasant feel-good atmosphere with small accessories. And the best thing is: with just a few clicks, you can help the superhero in the green cape to save the world.